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Insolvency Resolution and proceedings under IBC
We provide services of Planning and Strategizing a suitable action for initiation of proceedings or defending the proceedings at the instance of operational or financial creditors or corporate debtors. We assist in raising a dispute, drafting of necessary documents/ petitions before the NCLT/ NCLAT and representation through our team of lawyers before NCLT/ NCLAT in Ahmedabad.
We advise IRP/ RP as regards their obligations under the IBC, 2016 and rules framed thereunder and represent them in any applications before the NCLT/ NCLAT through our team of experienced lawyers in our Law Firm in Ahmedabad.
We assist the resolution applicant in drafting and presentation of resolution plan, discussions with COC and also in representing the resolution applicant before NCLT/ NCLAT in any proceedings.

What do restructuring, and insolvency lawyers do?
We are one of the few insolvency lawyers in Ahmedabad that deal with all aspects of the Insolvency Code. Headquartered in Ahmedabad and having operations in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore, we are Insolvency Lawyers engaged in providing services of Planning and Strategizing a suitable action for the initiation of proceedings or defending proceedings at the instance of operational or financial creditors or corporate debtors. Our efficient team is equipped with specialised expertise and experience in insolvency resolution as per the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016. We assist in raising a dispute, drafting necessary documents/ petitions before the NCLT/ NCLAT and representation through our team of lawyers before NCLT/ NCLAT. Additionally, our team is adept at legal matters relating to initiating insolvency proceedings against corporate debtors, whether financial creditors or operational creditors seek such initiation. We are also well-versed in representing operational creditors of a company in the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process or liquidation to ensure that their interests are best protected in any proceedings before NCLT, Resolution Professional or NCLAT.
We advise IRP/ RP firms regarding their obligations under the IBC, 2016 and the rules framed there and represent them in any applications before the NCLT/ NCLAT through our team of experienced lawyers in the Law Firm in Ahmedabad.
We assist the resolution applicant in drafting and presenting the resolution plan, discussions with COC, and representing the resolution applicant before NCLT/ NCLAT in an application seeking approval of the resolution plan and in any connected proceedings.
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