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IP and IT
IP goes much beyond simply getting and protecting Trademark or copyright. Defining and protecting your innovation and getting the maximum benefit of your innovative product through licensing out has always been difficult and complex. Internet marketing and sophisticated counterfeiting operations are expanding risks and opportunities for IP holders.
We provide consultancy services in respect of getting IP protection, periodical reviews, initiation of appropriate action in case of breach and drafting various important documents/agreements.

We provide consultancy services with respect to IP protection in cyberspace and implications of patent law, trademark law, copyright law and design law etc. in cyberspace and various e commerce related issues, legal issues related to Digital signatures and e-contracts. We assist you in deciding whether and what action could be taken under IT Act, 2000.
We help you in drafting various documents e.g. Assignment of copyright, Patents, Industrial Designs, Trade Mark, software license, system service agreement, IT Consultancy agreement, license of digital content, music publishing agreement, R & D agreement, software development agreement, software maintenance agreement, terms of website use, website design agreement, website terms and conditions while selling goods or services through website depending upon your needs.
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